Dr. Fiore’s Research (AY 2015-16)
Publications (articles and book under contract); Talk at Columbia University; Lecture at SUNY New Paltz; NYU Visiting Fellowship
Posted in: Inserra, Italian News and Events
The head of the Inserra Chair, Dr. Teresa Fiore, has published two new articles this year, while polishing her upcoming book, under contract with Fordham University Press, and giving lectures at Columbia and SUNY New Paltz on Italian migration.
Article “El ‘WOP’ de Raiz y las rutas ‘indocumentadas’ de la nación italiana” published in Spanish in Argentina
Dr. Fiore’s article “El ‘WOP’ de Raiz y las rutas ‘indocumentadas’ de la nación italiana” appeared in the journal Argentinian El hilo de la fabula 15. The article uses the song ‘El WOP’ by Raiz to reflect on the notion of undocumentedness in connection to both the contemporary flows of foreign immigration towards Italy and those of Italian emigration abroad: http://bibliotecavirtual.unl.edu.ar/publicaciones/index.php/HilodelaFabula/article/view/5031/7674
Article “Builders, Mermaids and the Bauhaus” published in English in Italy
Dr. Fiore’s article “Builders, Mermaids and the Bauhaus: New Visions of the Migrant Return in Andrea Camilleri’s Maruzza Musumeci” appears in the 2015 Special issue of: Scrittori tra Due Mondi/Writers Between Two Worlds of Studi Italiani, Florence. Enriched by original illustrations, this article reads Camilleri’s novella by combining art theory (the notion of ekprhasis) and the history of Italian migration.
Book “Pre-Occupied Spaces” under contract with Fordham University Press as of Fall 2015
Dr. Fiore’s book “Pre-Occupied Spaces: Remapping Italy’s Transnational Migrations and Colonial Legacies” is under contract with Fordham University Press, with a prospected publication in the Fall of 2016. “Pre-Occupied Spaces” is an interdisciplinary work on cultural spaces, in which the analysis of stories about outbound and inbound migrations as well as colonialism-related relocations sheds light on the history of Italian national formation and identity.
Invited talk at the Columbia Seminar in Italian Studies
On February 5, 2016, Dr. Fiore delivered the talk “Clandestini in the Mediterranean and in New York: The Ins and Outs of Italy’s Undocumented Migrations” at the Columbia Seminar in Italian Studies, held at the Italian Academy of Columbia University. The talk focused on Teatro delle Albe’s play Noise in the Waters and Emanuele Crialese’s film Once We Were Strangers to address the notion of undocumentedness among foreign immigrants in Italy and Italians in the U.S. today.
Invited lecture at SUNY New Paltz, NY
On April 20, 2016, Dr. Fiore gave a lecture entitled “Pre-Occupied Liquid Spaces: The Journeys of Italian Emigrants Abroad and Foreign Immigrants Towards Italy” at SUNY New Paltz. In expanding on the work developed for her forthcoming book, Dr. Fiore interwove the analysis of several texts to investigate the forms of overlapping of contemporary immigration to Italy and Italian emigration abroad.
To learn more about Dr. Fiore’s accomplishments for the 2015-16 academic year, visit the dedicated page.