Photo of the red hawk statue with Kasser Theater in the background.
News and Announcements

Jhumpa Lahiri on Studying and Writing in Italian

Posted in: Inserra, Italian News and Events

Feature image for Jhumpa Lahiri on Studying and Writing in Italian

As an established writer in one language, how does one “relocate” to another language and another culture? This conversation with Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri – recent recipient of the National Humanities Medal – will focus on her recent book written in Italian and entitled In altre parole, and limn some of the creative struggles and rewards of the choice to live in a foreign world and to write in foreign words.

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If you would like to learn more about Jhumpa Lahiri’s experience in Italy see resources

Sponsored by the Inserra Chair in collaboration with Global Education Center, the Department of English and the Department of Classics and General Humanities at Montclair State University, and under the auspices of the Italian Cultural Institute of New York (in connection with the Settimana della Lingua Italiana/Week of Italian Language).