Dial the MSU Unified Voicemail access extension number (5323) or Press the “Mail” button on your telephone.
You can also reach voicemail while outside of the University by dialing 973-655-5323
Accessing your messages
1. Log in to IX Messaging
2. Press 2 to listen to your messages, then 1 again to retrieve unread messages.
3. After listening to a message you can press *3 to delete; # to save; 1 followed by 4 to send a copy
To Change Your Password
1. Log in to IX Messaging and press 5 (Personal Options) at the main menu.
2. Press 4 to change your password
3. Enter your new password and press #.
To Record Your Name
1. Log in to IX Messaging and press 5 (Personal Options) at the main menu.
2. Press 5 to change your Recorded Name.
To Check Messages for a Mailbox Different from Your Own
1. Dial (5323) or Press on your Avaya Telephone.
2. Press *
3. Enter the extension number, and then enter the password.
Other Commonly Used Functions
– To change your Personal Greeting, press 3 followed by 1
– To change your Busy Greeting, press 3 followed by 2
The full user guide can be found Here