Options for Internet Access
Posted in: News

If you do not have internet access, here are some of the options:
Cable and Phone offers: We advise that you contact your cable and cellular telephone service providers to see if there are any free or reduced pricing internet access options being made available.Many internet service providers (ISP) and cell phone companies are offering Free or Low-Cost internet for K-12, Colleges and Universities that are affected by closures due to the Coronavirus.
Hotspot: It is also possible to enable “hot spots” on mobile phones (in effect setting up a local wifi network that rides on top of cell data – so not preferred because it is slower and more expensive than “real” wifi connections). If you do not have better options to obtain wifi access, you can call your carrier to enable “hot spots.”
We have researched some options and listed them on the Internet Access and Hotspot page.
Campus wifi: Students who are unable to access Wi-Fi at home will be allowed to use the second floor cafeteria and third floor lounge in the Student Center. These spaces will be supervised. As a health precaution, students must observe a safe social distance of six feet, and eating will not be permitted. Alternatively, students can find a campus Wi-Fi signal from their car when parked (legally) in one of the campus parking spots near a campus building.