The New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA) is a state law that allows employees to take up to 12 weeks of job protected leave during a 24 month period for any of the following reasons:
- To bond with a child within 1 year of the child’s birth or placement for adoption or foster care;
- To care for a family member or equivalent who has a serious health condition or has been isolated or quarantined because of suspected exposure to a communicable disease during a state of emergency
- To provide care or treatment for a child if the child’s school or place of care is closed by order of the Governor or a public official due to an epidemic of a communicable disease (such as COVID-19) or other public health emergency
You may be eligible for NJFLA if you:
- have worked for the University for at least 12 months as of the first day of leave ; and
- have worked for at least 1,000 hours in the 12 months prior to the first day of leave
Intermittent Leave
An employee does not need to use this leave entitlement in one block. Leave can be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule when medically necessary. Employees must make reasonable efforts to schedule leave for planned medical treatment so as not to unduly disrupt the employer’s operations. Leave due to qualifying exigencies may also be taken on an intermittent basis.