Group of people at Amphitheater for the showcase

Homecoming Rules

Homecoming 2019: “Rocky’s Blast from the Past”.

The following contract has been put together by the Homecoming Committee of Montclair State University, under the supervision of the Center for Student Involvement and the Student Government Association, Inc. Hereinafter, the words Homecoming Committee shall refer to the Homecoming Committee of Montclair State University, the Center for Student Involvement and the Student Government Association, Inc. The intention of this contract is to provide all participating organizations with an equal opportunity to demonstrate their Homecoming Spirit and Montclair State Pride. The Homecoming Committee reserves the right to amend and modify this contract pending proper notification.

Homecoming Championship Rules

Application Qualifications

  • Clubs, organizations, departments, and Residence Halls must be recognized by the University, be in good standing with the University, and have an advisor.
  • Clubs, organizations, departments, and Residence Halls may compete individually or as a team. No more than three clubs, organizations, departments, and Residence Halls may compete as a group.
  • Participation in the showcase and/or the banner competition automatically qualify each group to be a part of the quarter wars competition, and student involvement voting.
  • All applications will be reviewed by the Homecoming Committee and checked for eligibility.


Voting will be conducted in person and via “Quarter Wars”.

Voting will remain open through all SLAM Homecoming Week events. Everyone who swipes into a SLAM Homecoming event will be given a ticket. This ticket will allow the attendee to vote for which club, organization, department, Residence Halls, or group of their choosing. (The more events an individual attends the more opportunities they have to vote.)

In person voting will take place on Monday, October 14, beginning with the first SLAM event (approximately 10 a.m.), through 3 p.m. on Friday, October 18, 2019. Quarter Wars will take place starting on Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. – 10 p.m, and on Friday from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.

  • Quarter Wars: Each participating group will have a container with their name on it in the Student Center Lobby (Information Desk). Quarters count positively towards your total amount, other silver coins, pennies and paper bills count negatively. For example, if there are 32 quarters (+800), 100 pennies (-100), 15 dimes (-150) and 4 one-dollar bills (-400), the total would be $1.50 (150) (800-100-150-400=150). $5 raised counts as one vote. Negative totals do not take away votes. Quarter Wars will be totaled once at the end of each round of voting. 50% of funds raised throughout the week will be donated to the Red Hawk Pantry. 50% of funds raised will be donated to the winning group/team’s charity of choice (25% each group/team).
  • Groups can earn no more than 25 points via Quarter Wars.
  • No participant or supporter may encourage voting for a particular group/team. Voters must do so of their own free will, free of harassment or guilt. No participants can collect funds for Quarter Wars in any way other than in the designated containers.

All groups will be eligible to receive votes as long as they remain in good standing in the competition.


  • Groups are responsible for their own publicity should they decide to publicize. (It is not required.) ALL groups MUST follow University Posting Policies. Violation of the policies will result in disqualification. Please see the Center for Student Involvement if you need a copy of this policy.
  • DO NOT begin publicity until your group’s participation has been confirmed. This applies to ALL social media as well, including but not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, etc.
  • ALL publicity must be removed by Sunday, October 20, 2019.

Expectations and Requirements

  • If you are competing with other organizations and an organization is disqualified for any reason, the entire group affiliated with the disqualified organization will also be disqualified.
  • If you are participating in the banner and/or showcase contests at least one person from your group must walk across the stage at the showcase and be announced.
  • Remember, NO destruction of Montclair State University property or safety hazards will be allowed. Any mess you make you will be responsible for cleaning it up IMMEDIATELY following your performance. NO live animals are permitted. Failure to perform/present will result in disqualification.
  • All groups MUST be present at the Homecoming Football Game (2 p.m.). The top three showcase acts must be at halftime for their performance. The Homecoming Champion will be announced at the end of the game.
  • Having a judicial sanction or falling out of good academic standing may result in the title of Homecoming Championship being revoked and given to the First Runner Up.


Homecoming Banner Contest Rules

Homecoming, an annual campus wide tradition, is a great way to celebrate your spirit for Montclair State University! This activity is a means for all to showcase their enthusiasm, positive experiences and spirit that exist within our Montclair State Community. Each banner will be showcased and developed on the homecoming theme for the year.

Banner Guidelines

  • All Banners should be in accordance with the theme of homecoming: “Rocky’s Blast from the Past” and Red Hawk/Montclair State University Pride.
  • All Banners should embody the focus of the club/organization/department/residence hall. The name of the sponsoring organization(s), must be clearly displayed.
  • Banners should be in good taste and nature. Banners that include references to alcoholic beverages, drugs, nudity, lewd behavior or obscene language will not be permitted and will result in immediate disqualification.
  • Banners should not violate the rights of another person for reasons of race, color, sex, gender identity, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • Banners should be no wider than one (1) yard and no longer than two (2) yards (3’ x 6’). Banners must be oriented so that they are 3’ wide (horizontal) and 6’ tall (vertical), at the maximum. The best material to use is duck cloth for creating your banner. Bed sheets work well, but require more time to dry.
  • Banners will be hung vertically, and should be decorated accordingly (i.e., the 3’ end is the top)
  • Only one (1) banner entry will be allowed per club/organization/department/residence hall group participating.


  • Paints and other craft supplies are allowed to be used for decorating your banners. (Be careful with glitter.)
  • Utilize as many residents/club members/office staff as possible to help paint and develop your banner. You can start creating your banner at any time as long as it is completed by the deadline.
  • Advice: Draw your initial banner on a regular 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper. Once finalized, scan the sheet into the computer and project the image to the wall with the duck cloth/sheet. Then trace the enlarged banner with pencil.
  • Materials for the banners should come from your own programming budgets within your club/organization/department/residence hall.
  • Banners will be judged on: Incorporation of the ‘Rocky’s Blast from the Past’/ Red Hawk Pride, Creativity, Appearance, Originality and Representation of group in banner.

Banner Competition Scoring:

  • 1st place = 500 points
  • 2nd place = 400 points
  • 3rd place = 300 points
  • Participation = 100 points

Banners must be dropped off in the Center for Student Involvement by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 11.

Homecoming Showcase Rules

Participation in the Showcase is limited to Montclair State students, Montclair State alumni and guests invited by the Homecoming Committee.

******A maximum of three (3) recognized organizations (club/ organization/ department/ Residence Hall) will be allowed per team. If three (3) organizations choose to represent a team, then those three (3) recognized organizations will constitute one (1) performance/appearance in the Showcase. Therefore, should an organization be disqualified, and the team is represented by two (2) organizations, then all organizations will be disqualified. This rule is valid even if only one (1) of the three (3) organizations is found in violation of any of the rules set forth by this contract. Contact Casey Coleman with questions. The same disqualification rules apply. Remember that you are applying as a team!!******

The following rules regarding your Showcase scenes must be strictly adhered to!

  • You can build “scenes” or “backdrops” to have behind you when you perform in the showcase.
  • It is strongly suggested that you build/design something lightweight and easily transported. Suggestions include: small wood frames with casters (wheels) with fabric coverings, fabric stretched and attached to PVC piping, etc. You should plan to build something that would work indoors as well, if we need to move to the rain plan.
  • There will be no formal scene construction time. It is up to you where, when and how you build your scene.
  • With the theme of “Rocky’s Blast from the Past”, performances should be related to/based on ‘time travel’ ‘decades from 1960-2019’ and/or Montclair State University.

Please keep in mind the following:

  • Use of hazardous materials or props by any organization, without official written permission from University Police, is not permitted anywhere at anytime.
  • Possession and consumption of alcohol or any illicit substance is not permitted anywhere at anytime, as per Montclair State University Policy.
  • If any student, alumni, or guest present is found in violation of the above rules, the following penalties will apply to the organization they represent:
  • Direct and immediate disqualification of your team from the Showcase;
  • Depending upon the severity of the violation, you will be reported to the proper authorities.
  • It is the responsibility of each group’s Executive Board/Leadership to control the activities, actions, and security of its members. Every participating organization should have at least two (2) Executive Board members present during the line-up and Showcase.
  • The Homecoming Committee reserves the right to disqualify any organization whose members engage in behavior disruptive or hazardous to the events of Homecoming. Any fighting will result in the disqualification of any and all organizations involved, whether it is one member or forty.

The following rules regarding line-up MUST be adhered to at all times. Failure to do so will result in the following penalties:

  • First offense: loss of place in line-up
  • Second offense: disqualification from the Showcase


  • Line-up will be determined by the Homecoming Committee. All decisions of the Homecoming Committee will be final.
  • The following rules regarding the Showcase MUST be adhered to at all times. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.


  • Activity: Showcase
  • Location: Amphitheater [Rain location: Showcase canceled]
  • Time: 12:30 p.m., Saturday, October 19, 2019

Performance music must be submitted on CD. A sound system will be provided for the performances, however, each organization shall be allowed to provide and use their own sound system during their performance. Your organization’s CD MUST be clearly labeled, cued and ready to play, otherwise it will NOT be played and your organization will have to perform without music or sound. Remember that your music must be CLEAN and EDITED for language and content, and should be all on one track. Homecoming is a family oriented event. Failure to comply will result in your disqualification. A clearly labeled CD containing your organization’s supporting music/audio is due NO LATER than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, October 16, 2019.

Please submit music on time!!!!!

The Showcase route will be as follows. Teams will line up in the SC Patio and proceed to University Promenade with scenes and will proceed to the amphitheater, where you will perform and be judged in front of the Amphitheater. Your scene/backdrop should be then positioned in front of any shrubs/greenery that line the back of the stage. Destruction of the landscaping may result in a charge for repairs/replacements to your team. In case of rain, a suitable indoor location will be determined to allow for performances and judging, and you will be notified as early as possible.

Because of security and the traffic on campus, you will have to adhere to the 2-4 minute time limit for your performance. Your performance cannot be more than 4 minutes long. After the four-minute mark your music will be turned off.

Any destruction of ANY property on campus during the Showcase may result in your arrest. You must also clean up any mess or trash your scene/performance leaves behind, or be disqualified. It is suggested you DO NOT use glitter, silly string or confetti.

Please keep in mind that after your performance has ended you will still be judged. It is in your best interest to keep your organization out of sight. Due to the fact that we need to keep up the Showcase’s pace, no organization will be allowed to watch the Showcase from the barricaded area by the amphitheater. Your scene/backdrop must be returned immediately to the Student Center, Quad, and you may come back to watch the Showcase from seats in the amphitheater only. Please be sure that any and all trash left by your organization in the lineup area is removed at this time. Garbage cans and/or dumpsters will be available.

At the conclusion of the Showcase, you must remove ALL Showcase materials from the Student Center Quad/Amphitheater. Materials must be removed no later than 4 p.m. Failure to do so will result in a fine of $100.00 to the team.

Please note and be careful of all rules!

Remember that the Executive Board President is a representative signature of all those participating. Please inform your organization of all of these rules to avoid disqualification and miscommunication. Thank you for your cooperation and good luck to all.

Sign Up!