Heather Berk is a current student in the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. She is also pursuing a Teacher of Students with Disabilities certification.
Please describe your undergraduate background. How did it lead you to your current graduate program?
I majored in History at Adelphi University. I always knew I wanted a career that would bring me back to being in elementary schools. Teaching elementary school students is my calling.
How would you describe your academic program and the areas of study it focuses on?
I’m currently seeking an MAT to be dually certified to teach students in grades kindergarten through sixth grade and students with disabilities. A particular interest of mine lies in the education of students with learning disabilities.

Thus far, what has been your favorite aspect of your graduate program? What are you currently working on?
Thus far, my favorite aspect of my program is getting to be amongst classmates who are as passionate as I am about learning and teaching. Also, the professors structure their courses in such a way that we are able to capitalize on their years of experience and knowledge of the field of education.
Looking forward, how do you anticipate this program will assist you in your career?
This program will help me better understand the needs of students in today’s classroom. The curriculum structure and demands on today’s students is quite different from what I experienced. And, as an emerging teacher, I need to know how to meet the needs of today’s students.
Montclair State University offers a Master of Arts and several certificate programs in Teaching. For more information on these programs, contact The Graduate School at Montclair State University at gradschool@mail.montclair.edu or 973.655.5147.