The academic program for this certificate comprises six (1.5 credits) graduate-level courses for a total of nine credits and is fully online. The duration of each course is 8 weeks.
To view the curriculum for this program please visit the Human Resources Management program listing in the University Catalog.
MGMT562 Organizational Behavior (1.5 credits)
This course provides students an understanding of behavior in organizations within a management context. This course examines organizational systems and structure, leadership, power and influence, teambuilding, organizational conflict, systems of communication, motivation, interpersonal dynamics and values, and organizational change and renewal. The course explores the role of modern forces in the organizational environment such as workplace diversity and economic globalization.
MGMT570 Strategic Human Resource Management
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of how firms may use and manage HR as a source of competitive advantage. Students develop a deeper understanding of the concepts and processes inherent in strategy formulation and implementation, the alignment of HR and business strategies, the role of workforce attributes and HR systems in these decisions, and the transformation of HR from an administrative to a strategic function.
MGMT583 Managing Global Workforce (1.5 credits)
The course provides an overview of managing human resources in a cross-cultural and cross-national context. The objective of the course is to expose students to best practices so that future managers can effectively manage employees in an increasingly diverse and globalized business environment.
MGMT584 Talent Management (1.5 credits)
This course presents a comprehensive overview of how to develop an effective talent management strategy. Topics include workforce analysis, talent acquisition, onboarding, performance management, leadership development, succession planning, retention, and engagement.
MGMT585 Human Resource Analytics (1.5 credits)
HR analytics involves systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data to improve decisions about effective management of human resources in organizations. The course takes a strategic view of an organization’s use of HR data and its measurement systems. The course prepares students to identify HR metrics that align with a company’s mission and goals. It explains the characteristics of high-quality data and equips students to find and collect that data, inside or outside the organization. Students will also learn about effective data analysis and interpretation techniques and strategies for managing data-based HRM systems.
MGMT586 Contemporary Topics in Human Resource Management (1.5 credits)
This course covers legal topics in HRM as well as emerging topics that may be relevant to HRM professionals. This course provides a survey of significant laws and regulations that affect the practice of HRM in the U.S. Topics include an overview of relevant employment regulations; wage and hourly benefits; EEO and Affirmative Action; and labor/employee relations and safety laws, rules, and regulations. All phases of managing legal and regulatory responsibility are covered–from recruitment through termination. Instruction illustrates the challenges of balancing the rights and responsibilities of employees and management.