Educational Leadership (MA) – Fast Track
Upcoming Event
- Webinar for Educational Leadership: M.A. (Online, Fast Track, Core Choice, or Offsite) and Certification Programs for Supervisor, Principal, School Administrator, and Director of School Counseling Services (DSCS)
Thursday, March 27 at 5:00 PM
The Fast Track option for the Master of Arts in Educational Leadership allows students to earn a 36-credit degree and principal and supervisor certification in 14 months while working full-time. This program is completed within a one year time frame, from summer to summer.
It is ideal for working professionals who wish to pursue a master’s degree in an accelerated format. Classes are experiential in nature, and provide a blend of both theory and practice. This blended program is offered through a cost-effective and convenient schedule through both online and hybrid courses. It is an ideal program for those individuals who aspire to pursue a course of study for eligibility as a school principal, vice principal, supervisor, director or superintendent.
You must have three years of teaching or educational services experience to earn the Supervisor certification from the state of NJ and five years of teaching or educational services experience to earn the Principal certification from the state of NJ, but you can apply to the MA Educational Leadership program with less experience. If you work in a private school (and don’t have experience in a public school setting), you can pursue this program as a degree only student.
Applicants from out of state should check with the NJDOE to make sure that their out of state certification counts in NJ. This applies to employees of charter schools as well as public schools. Those working in private schools that are registered with the NJDOE and that require an NJDOE certification for teachers or educational services professionals can be eligible with the NJDOE. Applicants with private school experience should check if their private school meets this requirement. Applicants from private schools that do not meet this NJDOE requirement are welcome in the Fast Track Program but you will graduate as a degree only student.
New cohorts for the Fast Track Option begin each Summer. You have the option to apply for the Spring or Fall semester to begin before the program’s Summer start.
(Missed the deadline? Contact the Program Coordinator by filling out this form to indicate your interest in starting the Fast-Track Program.)
Along with the Educational Leadership (MA) – Fast Track degree, the department also offers the following options for graduate study: Educational Leadership (MA), Educational Leadership (MA – Online), and an Educational Assessment certificate.
Hear from current students and alumni on their experiences in the Educational Leadership (MA) program at Montclair State University:
“The MA Educational Leadership FTO program helped me to be a competent school leader. The program exposed me to skilled professionals who offered their expertise, knowledge and experience to aspiring school leaders. The program was extremely relevant to the current status of school leadership including a shared vision, data-driven instruction, coaching and supporting teachers and understanding the ins and outs of school budgets. Not only did the program assist in school-related matters, but it also dealt heavily with overall leadership competencies that can be adapted in any field. Due to the experiences in the program, I was able to become a Vice Principal within a year of completing the program.”
Jonathan Olavarria – Educational Leadership, Fast Track Alumni
Please refer to our programs of study page for a comprehensive list of all of the graduate programs offered within the university.