Montclair State University Graduate Students

Graduate Student Resources

The information below provides you with practical information on things you need to know about as a Montclair State University graduate student. While the Graduate School staff is always available to help you, we encourage you to consult this website throughout your time at Montclair.

News Students Can Use

The News Students Can Use blog is the go-to resource for university news, tips and more!

Academic and Professional Resources


It isn’t always easy to manage the increased workloads, strict deadlines, extensive research papers, and exams that define your life as a graduate student.

The Center for Academic Success and Tutoring (CAST) offers workshops, tutoring, and other resources and services to help you manage your graduate studies effectively.

Office Location: Cole Hall 149
Tutoring Location: Sprague Library, Room 138

Tutoring schedules can be found in Navigate


Center for Writing Excellence

The Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) is available to all university students (including graduate students), faculty, staff, and alumni who are committed to developing and improving as writers.  Sessions with experienced writing consultants are designed to provide help on every aspect of the writing process, with the goal of enabling writers to achieve long-term improvement, confidence, and independence.  We welcome Montclair State University writers in any stage of the writing process, in any discipline.

Conferences are generally a maximum of 25 minutes, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. We can also schedule appointments in advance, and we are now offering online consultations. There is no charge for these services. Graduate students may request extended appointments of 50 minutes by speaking with our staff or calling the CWE at 973-655-7442.

Additional Resources

Functional Resources

Parking Services

Parking Services

What’s Open Now

Find out what’s open right now on campus with What’s Open Now.

Emergency Services

In case of emergency, contact the Montclair State University Police Department.

Graduate Housing

Limited housing for graduate students is available only in The Village at Little Falls, which provides year-round housing for undergraduate juniors and seniors, and graduate students. The Office of Residence Life accommodates graduate students on a first come/first served basis. For more information, please contact:

The Office of Residence Life
4th floor Bohn Hall

Additional Resources

  • Travel/Research Funding – The Graduate School offers modest support for Research and Conference travel. Visit our Student Research and Conference Travel Fund Awards page for more information. Most colleges, and some academic departments also offer support. Contact your Dean’s office and/or Department Chair for information on those opportunities.
  • Stay Connected with the University with Mobile Apps
Health Resources

Health Insurance

  • All full-time graduate students are required to have accident/sickness insurance. Your bill for tuition and fees will include a premium to cover this cost.
  • If you are currently covered under another health insurance plan, you may deduct the cost of the Montclair State premium from your bill after completing a waiver card and returning it to the Students Accounts Office in Room 218, College Hall.
  • Part-time students or dependents of students may enroll in the Montclair State plan by completing the appropriate card that is also available at the Students Accounts Office.
  • For more information about Health Insurance, go to the Student Health Center.

Disability Resource Center

The Disability Resource Center provides support services to students with physical, psychological, sensory, chronic medical, or learning disabilities. Should you need help with one of these areas, please contact the Disability Resource Center. Our services include:

  • Academic accommodations
  • Equipment loans and adaptive technology
  • Specialized academic advising and counseling services
  • Priority registration
  • Parking and housing accommodations

Taking Care of Yourself

As a full- or part-time graduate student, you will face an intensive academic workload that can add stress and pressure to your busy life. You’ll juggle classes, research, writing, and the expectations of faculty and peers with the demands of every day living, family, friends, and jobs.

You can maintain your perspective – and reduce stress –  by managing your time wisely, getting enough rest and exercise, and following a healthy diet. Visit for tips on time and stress management. If you know of additional links, books, or resources that might be helpful to your fellow students, please let us know. Just email us at

The office of Counseling and Psychological Services can help when you are feeling overwhelmed. To make an appointment, call 973-655-5211 or visit them at Russ Hall. All counseling is confidential.

Recreational Resources
On-Campus Employment Opportunities

To review campus employment opportunities, please use Handshake. You will also find information on career counseling, resume writing and interview skills.