Conversations in Feminism Discussion Groups
Posted in: Events

GSWS is proud to introduce Conversations in Feminism, a new intersectional feminist discussion group starting in the Spring semester! Facilitated by GSWS interns Claudia & Angela, Conversations in Feminism will discuss iconic feminist work of different identities and cultures. Grow in your knowledge of intersectional feminism and make friends in the GSWS community! This discussion group is open to all identities, cultures, orientations, etc.
Here are the full details:
Join us for intersectional and inclusive discussions of great feminist works in literature, speech, film, and more! Hosted by GSWS & facilitated by GSWS Interns Claudia Martillo and Angela D’Alessandro.
Bi-weekly meetings in University Hall’s ADP Center, Wednesdays @ 2:30-4:00 PM (starting in the Spring semester)
Our Goal: Our group’s mission is to provide an inclusive and open environment to students who are interested in learning more about social activism and feminist issues through great feminist pieces. Before each meeting, we will all individually either read or view a selected work that will be provided through free pdfs or links. During the meetings, we will discuss our thoughts, ideas brought up, and more. We intend to use this space as an opportunity to learn more about intersectional feminism and to facilitate growth as activists.
Click here for the GroupMe chat!