A visitor checks in at the Segal Gallery's front desk with the assistance of two student gallery attendants who sit on office chairs.

Visitor Guide

The University Galleries is open to the public, and we welcome students, faculty, staff, and community members to enjoy our exhibitions and programming. We encourage you to review the information below prior to your visit.

Admission is free. We suggest non-Montclair State visitors make a small donation to support our students and mission. Familiarize yourself with the university’s latest COVID-19 policies here.

  • Prior to visiting the Segal Gallery, please reserve a free timed ticket in advance of your arrival at Eventbrite. No registration is required to view the current Case Studies exhibition in the Kasser Theater lobby.
  • For groups of 11 people or more, please submit our Group Visit Request Form at least two weeks in advance of your desired visit date. This form is required for both docent-guided and self-guided tour requests, and for both the Segal Gallery and Kasser Theater lobby.

Explore our free digital guide on Bloomberg Connects, the free arts and culture app, to access exclusive content as you explore our past and current exhibitions. Hear insights from curators, artists, students, and more. Download ahead of time or when you arrive.

Check in at the front desk of the Segal Gallery. For the safety and security of the artwork, please store the following belongings in the cubbies next to the front desk:

  • Backpacks and bags
  • Food
  • Beverages*
  • Umbrellas
  • Coats may be hung on the coatrack

*Bottled water is allowed in the gallery.