Collage film strip-style image including video stills from the films: including 'Black Girl' with Mbissine Therese Diop, The Conversation, and True Heart Susie.

Film Minor FAQ

Who should be a film minor?

  • English majors who want to learn more about the increasing influence of visual culture, adaptations and interactive media in modern literature.
  • Aspiring filmmakers and other artists interested in the historical development of film as an art form.
  • Future teachers who plan to show films in the classroom.
  • Humanities and Social Science students who are interested in the role of film in their discipline.
  • Broadcasting and Theater majors whose careers may involve film.

What are the benefits of a film minor?

  • You will develop the skills to critically interrogate (rather than passively consume) media culture.
  • You will gain a better awareness of the ethical and ideological dimensions of filmmaking and spectatorship.
  • You will learn about the historical precedents and cultural contexts for film styles, genres and stories.

How do I become a film minor?

  • Email Dr. Art Simon at
  • Visit the English department office at Dickson Hall 468.