The Montclair Syllabus

The Montclair Syllabus is a template that ensures instructors provide all the essential information to their students. This template is seamlessly integrated into Canvas and should be used by all instructors.

Montclair Syllabus is supported by a third-party tool, Simple Syllabus, which is managed by ITDS, accessed via Canvas, and enhances instructors’ ability to provide a clear, organized syllabus by offering some pre-loaded content, including course information and resources that update as needed. The heart of the syllabus is created by faculty, with components suggested by the template and the ability to add additional components. Today’s students are not interested in reading syllabi like an assigned article, top to bottom; rather, they see the syllabus as a reference text.

The Syllabus template is determined by the University Syllabus Committee, made of the following people:

  • Kate Temoney, Religion, Senate rep
  • Marylou Naumoff, School of Communication and Media
  • Dana Levitt, Counseling
  • Elliot Hu-Au, School of Computing
  • Gabriel Jung, Management
  • Irina Koroleva, Assessment & Accreditation, Provost’s Office
  • Pamela Fallivene, ITDS, ex-officio
  • Patrick Scioscia, ITDS, ex-officio
  • Catherine Keohane, OFE, ex-officio
  • Emily Isaacs, OFE, ex-officio

For Spring 2025 courses, the Montclair Syllabus by Simple Syllabus will be the default menu option in Canvas. For more information on the syllabus template that instructors are asked to use in Spring 2025, see Provost communication_Nov. 6, 2024, to allusers.

Crafting Your Syllabus

The syllabus is a tough document to write well as you need to communicate essential rules and policies while also communicating your enthusiasm for your course topic and your values and beliefs about learning. It’s not easy. We spend a lot of time helping faculty write strong syllabi because it’s difficult, and they affect student success.

Need Help?

Last Modified: Thursday, January 16, 2025 11:03 am
