The Montclair Syllabus is a template, updated each semester, that ensures instructors provide all the essential elements for their students in a consistent way. This enables students to understand the expectations for each course they are taking and helps them find the information they need more easily. Many Montclair students report that they have trouble finding the information they need, often because their instructors organize their syllabi differently.
The Montclair Syllabus contains links to campus resources that are updated regularly so that you can direct students to them without needing to research them yourself or discover that links you’ve copied and pasted from past semesters no longer work.
The “Montclair Syllabus” uses Simple Syllabus. The Simple Syllabus tool further enhances instructors’ ability to provide a clear, organized syllabus by offering some pre-loaded content, including course information and resources that update as needed. It creates its own easy-to-navigate table of contents that allows students to find the information they need efficiently. Faculty and students rate this new syllabus very highly.
The contents of the Syllabus are determined by the University Syllabus Committee, made of the following people:
- Kate Temoney, Religion, Senate rep
- Marylou Naumoff, School of Communication and Media
- Dana Levitt, Counseling
- Elliot Hu-Au, School of Computing
- Gabriel Jung, Management
- Irina Koroleva, Assessment & Accreditation, Provost’s Office
- Pamela Fallivene, ITDS, ex-officio
- Patrick Scioscia, ITDS, ex-officio
- Catherine Keohane, OFE, ex-officio
- Emily Isaacs, OFE, ex-officio
For Spring 2025 courses, the Montclair Syllabus by Simple Syllabus will be the default menu option in Canvas. For instructions see Configure Simple Syllabus In Canvas or contact ITDS.
To work on your syllabus first in a Google Doc and then copy and paste into the online template, choose your version below:
Additional information and assistance
For more information on the syllabus template that instructors are asked to use in Spring 2025, see Provost communication_Nov. 6, 2024, to allusers.
Want a how-to video? Watch Courtney Crimmins’s short video — and yes, you can do it in about 10 minutes.
For more information about Montclair Syllabus by Simple Syllabus
- See ITDS for workshops, 1-1 support, and asynchronous guidance.
- Register for a session with OFE and ITDS: Default Syllabus Template for Spring 2025: What You Need to Know
- Note: If you “course copy” from a previous semester, be aware that this will overwrite the new template unless you either selectively course copy or enable the course syllabus in the navigation after you perform the course copy.
For more help writing your syllabus
- See Write Your Syllabus Right
- Use OFE’s Syllabus and Assignment Review service.
- Download your own Pre-Launch Teaching Checklist to make sure you plan well to teach well.
Last Modified: Monday, December 16, 2024 8:47 am