Instructor Strategy 3: Support Student Health

Promote healthy behaviors that support students in cultivating general well-being.

This week’s “Be a Strong Student” message to students asks them to take care of their health. Students who do so may increase their ability to focus and to succeed in their coursework. Here are some strategies instructors can implement to help support their efforts:

Promote healthy behaviors

  • Remind students about the Resources section on the Montclair Syllabus.
  • Model healthy behaviors and strategies.
  • Recognize the essential value of mental health self-care.
    • Convey your interest in students’ wellbeing through check-ins, in-class activities, or other means.
    • Try an activity like self-care bingo that helps students learn the different forms of self-care. Sample Student Self Care Bingo (opens as PDF shared by Ashlee Martellacci (Social Work and Child Advocacy).
  • Reinforce last week’s time management theme by reminding students to include time for sleep, exercise, healthy eating, and self-care practices.
  • Remind students about Health Promotion and their resources, including weekly workshops aimed at promoting well-being (such as mindfulness meditation and crafting).
  • Encourage students to take advantage of Campus Recreation options.

Connect students to campus resources

Additional resources