Designing for Online

The resource for designing online provided here assumes that while most students have some familiarity with online learning, many have not yet mastered learning online. It recognizes our students’ varied prior experiences, and the affordances and limitations that our technological tools for teaching allow. This resource is aligned with ITDS’s guidance on preparing for online, and with the most frequently cited teaching and learning principles (including evidence-based principles of learning from Robert Gagne, Arthur Chickering & Zelda Gamson, Peralta Online Equity Initiative, and the How Learning Works Applied Neuroscience partnership with Digital Promise).

Consult the drawers for more information.

Resources and references

For more support on design and teaching online, we suggest:

For more information or help, please email the Office for Faculty Excellence or make an appointment with a consultant.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 4:04 pm


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