Announcements in Canvas

The Announcement feature in Canvas is an essential tool for instructors, and they are one of the most valued tools by students, according to OFE surveys of student preferences. Announcements are directly sent to students’ email addresses and are saved in the Announcement section on Canvas for easy viewing if a student missed the email or even deleted the message. 

Announcements can also be scheduled, so instructors can write weekly announcements at their convenience then choose the Delay Posting feature to send them when is most beneficial. See IT’s how-to guide on using Announcements.

There are different ways to effectively use the Announcement feature. The first and most widely used is to send brief, weekly announcements with course reminders and due dates. Another is to send an announcement before the start of the semester to welcome students and ease anxieties by introducing yourself and what they need to know before the start of term (such as course location, books to buy, etc.). This page will give tips and examples of both.



Updated 07.21.22 SR