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Teaching Through a Disaster

Posted in: Teaching Tips

As the Montclair State campus community continues to get back on track after experiencing a disruptive week caused by Hurricane Sandy, we would like to offer some tips on how to be supportive to students in the classroom who are still recovering from home, work, or transportation issues. First, please follow all guidelines communicated by Montclair State administration, especially if you or your students require additional or specialized support services. Second, consider some of the steps outlined below to help address the stress of meeting educational goals and your student needs after a traumatic disaster. Third, review the list of technology resources (training and tools) sent by the Office of Information Technology (OIT; added below for your convenience) for ideas of how to provide access to resources and teaching materials to students who are still unable to make it to campus.

Some helpful hints for stabilizing the emotions and behaviors of your students in your classes and returning to an improved mental and emotional state after a crisis to continue to promote an optimal learning environment are:

  1. Listen – provide opportunity to share experiences.
  2. Protect – inform students about events and what is being done in the community to keep everyone safe.
  3. Connect – help reestablish connections and a feeling of normalcy.
  4. Model calm and optimistic behavior.
  5. Teach – help students understand the range of normal stress reactions, invite counselors and professionals if needed.

Adapted by Professor Lori Ungemah, English, New Community College at CUNY:

Schreiber, M., Gurwitch, R., & Wong, M. (2006). Listen, Protect, Connect – Model & Teach: Psychological First Aid (PFA) for Students and Teachers. Accessed November 7, 2012 at

Technology Resources (Training and Tools):

  • Designing Accessible Online Course Materials – How accessible is your online or hybrid course to all students? Federal and state regulations have impressed upon us the increasing importance of accessible course design. This workshop will help you better understand what is meant by course accessibility and offer some tips on how you can begin to make your courses more accessible.
  • Ustream and Youtube – Ustream allows you to create channels to broadcast live via a webcam. An educational channel may then be used to broadcast live presentations to your students over the web to enhance teaching and learning in your online/hybrid courses. You may also publish Ustream footages on YouTube, and then share the videos with students.
  • Google Docs – Google Docs is a suite of products that allows you to create different types of documents, collaborate in real time with others and store them on the web for free. All you need is an internet connection and a Google account.
  • Using Google Sites to Create an ePortfolio – ePortfolio is a valuable learning assessment instrument which can be integrated into student learning to showcase their accomplishments and reflect on their educational or professional experiences. Google Sites can be utilized to create ePortfolios, which can not only assist you to assess student learning, but also help your students organize and reflect on their learning process.