Dialogue Across Difference: Integrating Societal Topics into Your Course and Discipline
According to recent surveys, Montclair students want their learning content to have clear real-world relevance. Join colleagues on Zoom on Feb 4, from 11am-12pm, to talk about building present-day societal topics into your course.
Posted in: Dialogue Across Difference
According to recent surveys, Montclair students want their learning content to have clear real-world relevance. According to recent surveys, Montclair students crave real-world relevance to be part of their learning. This faculty roundtable brings together educators from across disciplines to discuss approaches to introducing meaningful dialogue and real-world relevance into diverse courses and fields. Join Jack Baldwin LeClair (Political Science and Law), Julia Berger (Religion), and Maughn Gregory (Philosophy of Education) as they share hands-on techniques for facilitating effective classroom dialogue and offer suggestions for implementing micro-interventions that foster empathy, critical thinking, and engagement. Attendees are welcome to bring questions and suggestions for discussion.