Montclair State campus
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Summer Research and Writing Groups

Working on a research project? Would like the accountability of a group? Join us this summer for one or both of our online research and writing groups: Mon 9-11am and Wed 10am-12pm.

Posted in: OFE Research, Research

This summer we will be offering two research and writing groups for faculty and instructors of all ranks who wish to work on a research or writing project, new or already in-progress, and would like the accountability of a writing group.

Both research and writing groups will meet weekly. Each session will be two hours: we will meet on the hour to say hello and set goals, and then write quietly together via Zoom with a break midway through and time to check in to celebrate work done at the end. Breakout rooms will be available to brainstorm ideas.


All faculty are welcome to sign up for one group or for both, and to attend as many or as few sessions as their individual schedules and availability permit. Those who can only attend part of a session are also welcome!