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Discussion Boards are Out, Memes, FlipGrid, Videos, and Podcasts are in

Looking for alternatives to discussion boards? Join us May 9 4-5pm for this interactive session to explore innovative ways to engage students using digital pedagogy.

Posted in: OFE Partner Sessions, Teaching Tips

Dr. Barry Bachenheimer will share how he uses digital tools such as memes, FlipGrid videos, Bitmojis, and podcasts to engage online students in a more creative and interactive manner. These approaches have helped him ensure that his students are completing original thoughts and work! Bachenheimer will provide practical and hands-on examples and tips for integrating these ideas into your courses. You can expect to come away with a better understanding of how to engage students using digital pedagogy as well as the benefits of doing so.


About the speaker

Dr. Barry Bachenheimer has been an adjunct professor at Montclair State University since 1998 in the Teaching & Learning and Educational Leadership Departments. He currently teaches in the Educational Leadership Master’s Degree Program. He is a member of the Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal Executive Board. Dr. Bachenheimer was the recipient of the prestigious Ercel Watson Award from the University in 2009 for his ongoing support of teacher education programs.