Meaningful redesign for troublesome moments in teaching: Conference Page, June 15
Posted in: Event, News, Special Projects, Teaching Tips

This page is a “conference day” page for the faculty at Albany, Alcorn and Montclair State University to use as an easy reference to make conference attendance easier. You have been given access to this page because you have been registered by your designated lead (Dorene Medlin at Albany, Doris Ward at Alcorn, or Emily Isaacs at Montclair).
You will already have received links to the specific workshops you have selected, and so you can use those links. Or, if you prefer, you can simply use these “live” links. We ask that you attend the workshop you selected originally as we are planning our workshops based on those selections. If you are not sure where your registration confirmation email is, search for “LibCal” in your email inbox.
If at any point during the conference you get “lost,” please feel free to return to the first Zoom, “Meaningful redesign across three universities,” where a conference organizer will work to answer your questions.
Schedule – Start Here!
10:00/9:00am central: Meaningful redesign across three universities (30 minutes) — Direct zoom link
- In this kick-off session, leadership from Albany State University, Alcorn State University, and Montclair State University will welcome the 150 faculty attendees and speak to their goals and intentions for teaching and learning in Fall 2022.
- Speakers:
Dr. David Hood, Montclair State University, Associate Provost and Dean of University College, P.I. for the IREPO Grant
Dr. Angela Peters, Albany State University, Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
Dr. Ontario S. Wooden, Alcorn State University, Provost and Senior VP for Academic Affairs
10:30/9:30am central: Workshop One (1 hour)
- Adventure 1: “Giving directions that students will follow” — Direct zoom link
- Adventure 2: “Teaching difficult concepts: learner-centered instructional strategies” — Direct zoom link
- Adventure 3: “TILT your assessment and feedback strategy” — Direct zoom link
11:45/10:45am central: Workshop Two (1 hour)
- Adventure 1: “Giving directions that students will follow” — Direct zoom link
- Adventure 2: “Teaching difficult concepts: learner-centered instructional strategies” — Direct zoom link
- Adventure 3: “TILT your assessment and feedback strategy”– Direct zoom link
1:00/12:00pm central: Closing (30 minutes) — Direct zoom link
- Q&A, open conversation (optional)
For more information about the conference, details about the workshops, and the workshop leaders, please see the public announcement page.