April 20, 2021 – [FILM SCREENING/PANEL] Half-Mile, Upwind, on Foot: Faith, Race, and Pipeline Resistance in the Wake of Standing Rock
Posted in: Democracy 2021, Event, Opportunities

April 20, 2021
7:00 pm EST
This event, sponsored by the Department of Religion, explores the role of non-violent mass action in a democracy increasingly beholden to corporate interests. Half-Mile, Upwind, On Foot (2019; 57 min.) is a documentary film examining grassroots resistance against two fracked-gas pipeline projects in Pennsylvania. The event will give special attention to the role of religion & race in these predominantly white, Christian movements, particularly with respect to law enforcement’s response in contrast to pervasive police violence at Standing Rock and BLM protests.
Presenters: Brian McDermott, Film Director/Producer (DeSales University), Sister Bernice Klostermann, Adorers of the Blood of Christ, an international order of Catholic women; featured in the film for her role in an outdoor Chapel blockade, site of 29 arrests; Rev. Malinda Harnish Clatterbuck, featured in the film as a co-founder of Lancaster Against Pipelines that organized 20 non-violent mass actions leading to more than 50 arrests; Lee Smithey (Swarthmore College). Moderated by Mark Clatterbuck, Department of Religion.