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Laptop Use in the Classroom

Posted in: Teaching Tips

Results of an experimental study by Sana, Weston, and Cepeda (2012) showed that students who used laptops to multitask during a lecture-based class had poorer quality notes and lower comprehension test scores in comparison to students who were not using laptops to multitask. In addition, the nearby peers who were in direct view of the multitasking students were also affected and scored lower on comprehension tests.

To ensure that technology in class fosters learning rather than hinders is, consider following suggestions:

  • Discuss consequences of technology use when not used for curricular purposes and inform the students of laptop misuse.
  • Compile a list of rules to follow about the use of technology in class together with your students which will serve as a contract and will be enforced throughout the semester.
  • If the laptops do not help learning in a particular course, discourage the laptop use altogether or restrict the use of Internet to course-based websites only.
  • Guide the students’ laptop use by directing their attention to class-related websites (ask them to look for information or find videos to share with the class).


Sana, F., Weston, T., & Cepeda, N.J. (2013). Laptop multitasking hinders classroom learning for both users and nearby peers. Computers & Education 6224-31, 464-478. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2012.10.003