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Last Day of Class

Posted in: Teaching Tips

On the last day of class help your students review the course materials, syllabus and goals, invite them to reflect on the semester, organize and synthesize their learning, get closure and think of implementation of their knowledge in the future. Some activities to consider:

  1. Portfolios: If the students have been keeping a portfolio of their work from the start of the course, ask them to put together a sample of 3 pieces of work that demonstrate their growth. Have each student explain their choices and how their personal growth relates to learning outcomes for the class identified in the syllabus;
  2. Concept map: Have class as a whole construct a concept map of the course demonstrating their understanding of how the course worked;
  3. Review the Syllabus: Review the syllabus to reaffirm that learning outcomes have been met and to remind students of the material that has been covered;
  4. Letters to the Future: Have students set goals at the beginning of the course and review them at the end of the course to see which ones have been accomplished. Also, consider having them write a letter to the students who take the course next, giving advice and encouragement;
  5. Pre-test, Post-test: If you used an assessment of student knowledge, ability of values at the beginning of the semester, use it again at the end. This will help students realize how much they have changed during the year, and will help you identify areas you may need to emphasize more next time you teach the course;
  6. Final exam, Take Two: After the students take the final exam or project by themselves, have them work in groups to identify how their answers might have improved. This can identify areas in the course that need development and also may reduce dissatisfaction with grades on the final exam;
  7. Stand and Deliver:Uhl (2005) recommends ending the course with an invitation to students to stand and share their thoughts. Some prompts: What are your regrets? For what are you thankful? How will you use what you have learned?


Burdick, D. (2013). The Last Day of Class. Center for Teaching Excellence. Endicott College. Retrieved May 6, 2013 from .