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Note-taking for Students

Posted in: Teaching Tips

Research on note-taking indicates that taking notes and reviewing them, in class or after class but especially before the exam, positively impacts student learning, and in turn helps students perform better on exams. Some strategies to implement in your class to support note-taking are:

  1. Pacing: moderate speed of delivery at 135 words per minute best supports students note-taking,
  2. Pausing: taking short two to three minute breaks allows students to review and rework their notes, and write down what they recall; this improves student comprehension and retention of material,
  3. Verbal and visual cues: assist students in identifying lecture structure and hierarchical relationships, key points, and context by verbally calling for attention to them or visually by drawing diagrams, graphs, charts,
  4. Handouts: students take better notes if a professor provides outline, overview or other organizer to supplement their notes,
  5. Expose students to alternative and non-linear note-taking techniques: if students are familiar with models such as the Cornell Method (involves creating separate columns for notes and cues/questions, with a summary at the bottom of the page), concept maps, matrices or the “Smart Wisdom”, they may prove more effective for some. A study by Makany, Kemp, & Dror (2008) found that non-linear note-takers performed on average 20% better than linear control groups measuring comprehension and metacognitive skills, surmising that non-linear strategies offer a visually accessible format that decreases cognitive load and enables deeper understanding through improved knowledge management and organization.


DeZure, D., Kaplan, M., & Deerman, M. (2001). Research on student notetaking: implications for faculty and graduate student instructors. CRLT Occasional Paper No. 16. University of Michigan. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from

Boye, A. (2012). Note-taking in the 21st century: Tips for instructors and students. Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development Center. Texas Tech University. Retrieved April 3, 2013 from