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Welcoming Students to Class

Posted in: Teaching Tips

Legg and Wilson (2009) report that sending a welcoming email before the first class:

  1. Increases positive attitudes towards the instructor.
  2. Enhances positive perception of the class.
  3. Increases student motivation in class.
  4. Affects retention (students are less likely to withdraw from the class).

Legg, A.M. & Wilson, J.H. (2009). E-mail from professor enhances student motivation and attitudes. Teaching of Psychology, 36(3), 205-211. doi:10.1080/00986280902960034

This is a communication strategy to use to establish a connection with your students before class begins. To read more, visit:

These are just some strategies to encourage students to think critically. For more literature on teaching and learning please consult the Research Academy’s library or contact our office.

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