These University Design Standards establish a comprehensive set of baseline standards and requirements that will guide the design, construction and maintenance of projects across the Montclair State University built environment. It is provided as a resource for design professionals, contractors, University personnel, and anyone else who is involved in the process of design, construction or renovation projects on campus.
This document is not meant to replace detailed project specifications nor shall it take precedence over any existing codes, laws, or regulations. The University understands the need to maintain design flexibility based on each project’s set of unique circumstances. Any deviations from these standards shall be coordinated with the Project Manager or office of Capital Planning and Project Management as early in the process as possible.
Information is organized in conformance with the appropriate specification subgroups, divisions and section numbers from the industry-standard CSI (Construction Specifications Institute) MasterFormat, 2020 Edition. All items listed as a “Basis of Design” are assumed to include an approved equal unless otherwise specified.
The ongoing process of coordinating and maintaining these Design Standards is a multi-stakeholder effort led by the University Facilities Office of Capital Planning and Project Management. The revision process is an important component that is critically dependent upon the engagement of all interested stakeholders. Updates will be issued as necessary to ensure that this document remains dynamic and relevant in order to effectively meet the needs of the University.
Requests for updates to these standards may be submitted anytime via email to
University Design Standards: Division 01 – General Requirements (PDF)
University Design Standards (PDF)
Appendix – Interior Signage Standards Manual
Appendix – Exterior Wayfinding Manual
Appendix – Donor Recognition Signage Guidelines
Appendix – Building Automation System Standards (Coming Soon)
Appendix – OIT Material and Equipment Specifications (Coming Soon)
Appendix – Interior Room Numbering Guidelines
Appendix – CAD Polyline Standards
Design Details
Last Modified: April 10, 2024