Montclair Heights Shuttle Service 9/1/10-9/10/10
Posted in: Construction News, Parking News
Beginning on 9/1/10 and lasting until approximately 9/10/10, NJ Transit will be upgrading the parking lot and railroad crossing at the Montclair Heights rail station.
The work within the train station parking lot is scheduled to start the end of next week and is expected to be complete within approximately five days. There is no impact to Normal Avenue traffic, but there will be no vehicle access or MSU Shuttle bus service to the train station parking lot.
Once the parking lot is complete, construction will begin on a median that extends approximately 130 ft. west of the tracks (towards Upper Mountain Avenue) and 100 ft. east of the tracks (towards MSU). This work is expected to commence the week of Labor Day and likely to last the duration of that week. As they construct this median, the road will likely be reduced down to one lane with township police officers and/or flagmen at each end alternating traffic flow. Normal Avenue will not be closed at any point for this work and at no point during the construction will our ability to turn left or right out of the campus be prohibited.