Photo of students at Special Olympics

Combined BS/MAT – Teaching, with Teacher Certification in Health and Physical Education (Preschool-Grade 12) and Teacher of Students with Disabilities

The Bachelor’s/MAT Dual-Certification Inclusive Education Program provides students with the opportunity to receive both a bachelor’s and Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree with teacher certification in both general education and special education. The program is designed to help teachers develop competencies needed to teach students who have disabilities along with those who do not.

In this program, students complete general education and major requirements and an initial set of coursework in education as undergraduates. As graduate students, they will complete the coursework in education and conduct their fieldwork and student teaching.

Please visit the Teacher Education Program for the required undergraduate professional sequence of courses, overall course outline, and other important Program requirements, guidelines, and procedures. Students also are strongly advised to review the Teacher Education Program Handbook.

120 credits of coursework is required for the baccalaureate degree with a minimum 3.0 overall GPA. Major GPA requirements differ depending on field of study. Consult the Teacher Education Program Handbook for more information.

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate Assistantships are designed to provide financial support and research opportunities for graduate students while they pursue their degrees. Graduate Assistants aid one or more faculty mentors in their research or other assigned work and are expected to be highly available. All Graduate Assistants are required to provide 20 hours of service per week (September-June), including during academic breaks, and attend weekly seminars. Graduate Assistants must be accepted into the degree program by the Graduate School, and be selected through the Graduate Assistant application process within the Department of Kinesiology. To initiate the departmental Graduate Assistant application process click the link below. It is recommended that you become familiar with the research conducted within the department by contacting the department faculty and by reviewing the program website. To have the best chance of being selected as a Graduate Assistant it is suggested to have all application materials, including application to the graduate school, completed by March 15th for the following academic year.

Department of Kinesiology Graduate Assistant Application

View full course requirements