BA in Biology/Teacher of Students with Disabilities
MS in Biology (Concentration in Ecology and Evolution)
My previous research was regarding the effectiveness of culverts for amphibian crossing. I am interested in continuing to look at the effectiveness of culverts and the impact of roads on amphibian migration.
BS Mineral Resources and Technology (Specialization : Mineral Processing technology)
My research interests are in marine geology and for my PhD I will be conducting a study to critically explore, identify and forecast prevailing and future changes of the coastal morphology and sediment dynamics in the Barrier Islands of New Jersey.
Gita Bhushal Adhikary’s research interests lie in current environmental issues, including flood resilience, human-wildlife conflict, ecological stressors, and conservation of biodiversity. She is interested in community institutions such as community forest user groups and their involvement in flood resilience. She hopes to devote her life towards achieving a sustainable future and healthy environment for the generations to come.
PhD candidate (Geosciences) National University of Colombia
Hermann is interested in time intervals of abrupt environmental changes, specially the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (66 Ma) and its relationship with the current Climate Change. Prior to starting the PhD program, I funded Paleoexplorer, a research group interested in the geology and Paleontology of Colombia. I´m member of the Scientific Committee of the Gorgona National Park (2015-), Editorial Board, Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana (2015-2017), International editor, Paleontología Mexicana (2015-), Referee for the Journal of South American Earth Sciences (2015-), Colombian Geological Survey, and Ministry of Sciences, Colombia (Minciencias)
MS Earth & Environmental Science, BS Marine Affairs.
Lorenzo-Trueba Lab, West Orange High School
Shane’s research is aimed at better understanding of coastal processes, in order to better manage anthropogenic influences on marine environments. His research seeks to understand how planning and management practices can limit the negative effects that result from increased development in coastal areas, including evaluation of the roles of federal, state and local government and organization in drafting policy.
My research interests are in transforming future environmental problems such as climate change, water (for land and human purposes) and energy shortages into more sustainable concepts. My current research aim is to study the effects of temperature change on the vegetation in Alaska using remote sensing and modelling.
My research focuses on investigating the behavior of metal contaminants in urban soils and developing novel remediation techniques for contaminated soil.
Md Shahnul’s research interests include monitoring toxic metal contamination of surface water, soil, and sediment, as well as their environmental risk assessment.
Lisa Johnson’s research interests center around smart city growth, sustainable urban planning and business development, and environmental policy. Her current research focuses on how the built and natural environment cohere into a livable system and how green practices can help to implement the best solutions for creating integrated systems of urban infrastructure.
MS in Earth and Environment, Specialization in Hydrology and Water Resources
Kadir’s research project involves the extension/modification of a numerical model for the evolution of fluvial deltas under sea-level cycles to describe the development of estuaries under different scenarios of sea-level rise, water discharge, and tidal influence. The key novelty is the coupling between hydrodynamics and estuarine geometry over decadal to centennial time scales. This work will help constrain the role of estuarine geomorphic changes on flood risk along the Delaware estuary.
Charles’ research focuses on urban sustainable development and its impact on disadvantaged communities. More specifically, Charles is interested in using GIS and statistical analysis to identify the socioeconomic impacts sustainable development projects have on traditionally underserved communities.
BA in Environmental Studies and Sustainability, minor in Chemistry
MS in Environmental Science
Nicolina Lentine’s research interests are in Environmental Science and Chemistry. She specifically wishes to focus on soil pollution and how it impacts soil composition and plant growth. She hopes to build off her previous work at Villanova University and expand it into something wonderful at MSU.
CESAC, Environmental Economics & Policy Lab (EEPL), PSEG Institute for Sustainability Studies
Trang’s research focuses on the effects of economic activities, notably the tourism industry, on the environment of Vietnam, and how sustainable development may mitigate the adverse effects of tourism. This work will contribute to the body of knowledge and play a role in Vietnam’s economic development while protecting its environment.
Olga is interested in paleo-ice sheet dynamics and currently works with marine sediment cores from the Scotia Sea region. She uses rock magnetic properties of the sediments to reconstruct past interactions between the Antarctic ice sheet, ocean, and atmosphere during Pleistocene warm pulses and superinterglacials.
Qiufeng’s research interest is innovative water treatment and water reuse technologies for tackling water pollution challenges and enhancing water supply. Her PhD study will be mechanistic and performance studies of the combined use of constructed wetlands and ferrate(VI) for addressing multiple contaminants in municipal wastewater, which will enable a new wastewater reuse system for agricultural irrigation.
BS in Agricultural Engineering from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
MS in Water Resource Management from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
MS in Water Resources Engineering with an emphasis in Hydraulic Engineering from UNESCO IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, the Netherlands
As a doctoral student, I aspire to conduct my research on the impacts of dredging activities on the Delaware River in the context of climate change. My research will focus on sediment and water management and aim to understand better how dredging affects the estuary’s morphological equilibrium and the associated short-term and long-term consequences. I plan to investigate how sea level rise, storm surge frequency and magnitude, and other anthropogenic factors influence the flood hazard and ecosystem of the river. Additionally, I intend to explore the impact of dredging on the water level and its potential effects on floods and other related water resources. Overall, my research will contribute to developing sustainable sediment and water management practices in the Delaware River.
BS in Applied Geology at the University of the Western Cape
MS in Applied Geology (Petroleum Geoscience) at the University of the Western Cape
CELS 306
Mayala is a PhD student working on carbon emission and sequestration rate after a large CO2 pulse from the Siberian Traps volcanism. In his Master’s, he studied foraminiferal biostratigraphy and depositional environment of the Drilled Early Cretaceous Succession in Durban Basin, East Coast, South Africa using well cuttings, conventional cores, seismic data and well logs. In his BS (Honours), he did facies analysis of clastic sediment of well Jc-B1 Durban Basin, East Coast of South Africa using well logs and conventional cores in addition to Interactive Petrophysics (IP) to investigate facies variations within the well Jc-B1 of the Offshore Durban Basin.
Cailin is an avid birder, wild bird rehabilitator, and bird bander with an interest in avian conservation. Cailin utilizes technology such as Nexrad and Motus to track passerine migration with a focus on mitigating window strike mortality during seasonal migration through better building design and “lights out” legislation.
Toritseju’s research concerns groundwater contamination in Nigeria, a serious problem. The research uses soil and water sampling and evaluation using a variety of methods including modeling and analytical tools. It will enable a better understanding of the dynamisms of water table fluctuations and groundwater flow patterns of a given geological formation and how they affect groundwater recharge rate and quality; the roles of various biotic and abiotic parameters and how they enhance the enrichment of redox sensitive compounds in groundwater; and the authigenic nature of heavy metals, redox sensitive compounds and other groundwater contaminants.
Archana’s research focuses on the roles of climate change and land use change on vegetation dynamics. She is interested in assessing how ecosystem services might be affected by these developments. Archana’s work will also focus on understanding how these factors might impact future energy demand.
Nicole’s research focuses on the energy-water nexus and anticipates using life cycle analyses and deep learning to evaluate climate change susceptibility. She is investigating the economics of the implementation of sustainable urban infrastructure and its impacts on the quantity and quality of fresh water resources, in order to mitigate environmental justice issues, promote healthier ecosystems, and manage important water security concerns.
In my previous role as Research Associate-Ecosystems at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal, I worked on diverse topics such as Climate change, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Water Resource Management, Landslide Risk Assessments and Watershed Management Planning. Continuing my work and following my interest, I will be conducting my research focused on Nature-based solutions for DRR synergizing it with sustainable energy. As a Graduate Research Assistant, I will be working in Clean Energy and Sustainability Analytics Center (CESAC) on offshore wind energy and its impact on recreational fisheries.
BS Environmental Science and BA Environmental Planning & Management from State University of New York at Plattsburgh
MS Sustainability Science from Montclair State University
Sarahana’s MS thesis research focused on the role of gender in the use of natural resources with an aim to improve the efficacy of both conservation and gender equity through tailored policy suggestions which consider the complex interactions between identity and natural resource use. Her current doctoral research is on energy equity, to address the gaps that exist in the field of energy equity and access to clean energy using machine learning techniques by studying the socioeconomic and regional differences in and within communities.
Odera is interested in Environmental Quality, Modeling and Remediation. Hence, my doctoral research focuses on the environmental effects of coal-tar coated pipelines.
During my master’s, I worked on applying X-let transforms (such as wavelet, curvelet, contourlet, and shearlet transform) to detect damages. Now, I will work to better understand the extinction of species in food webs and the susceptibility of the food web to invasive species. This research will utilize topics from applied mathematics, dynamical systems, environmental science, and structural health monitoring.
Master of Public Health, Specialization: Epidemiology
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Environmental Science
Anvy’s research is aimed at achieving a sustainable occupational environment for developing communities. This is an issue that requires attention to many environmental management perspectives and adopting an interdisciplinary approach. Natural science, business, and social science perspectives work in unison to solve these complex problems. Her research fosters understanding of how pollutants affect human populations and the natural environment. This work consists of the identification and quantification of immediate and long-term patterns. She utilizes geospatial technology (GIS) and related geostatistical methods, and the stratification of disturbance levels in unhealthy environments.
Justin is studying the dynamic nature of transcription factors and how these depend on genotype. This information can directly be applied to future use in gene therapy and immunotherapy as actionable mutations have predicted epigenetic effects related to cancer by the tumor suppressor protein ICER. Knowledge of critical transcription factor effects on the cell will be valuable knowledge in oncology and – more broadly – identification of treatment options for a disease that is predicted to increase due to multiple environment stressors.
Qingting (Tina) Wu’s previous research explored the productivity patterns during the Quaternary in the eastern equatorial Pacific using foraminifera. Her current research focuses on the dynamic climate and biogeochemistry of the P-Tr extinction event and Cenozoic using Earth system modeling, as well as the tropical ocean lithium and boron isotopes. She aims to enhance the understanding of paleoclimatology, especially the effect of massive carbon dioxide emission and sequestration on the ecosystem.
My previous research interests are concentrated on environmental remediation with an emphasis on water pollution control using the fundamentals of aquatic chemistry. Now I expect to be working with Dr. Deng on water treatment and reuse using innovative and green technologies such as ferrate (VI)-based treatment processes.
Kelly has worked in the fields of shore and grassland bird conservation, arthropod sensory ecology, and mosquito population genetics. She is currently working on Aedes mosquito population genetics and their invasion ecology.