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Founding Family

Posted in: Events

It’s all in the family for the startup HatchedIt. No, I don’t say that because the micro social network site is perfect for managing the calendars and to do lists of a family. Rather, it’s the fact the company’s two founders, Megan Brown and Kirsten Bischoff, are related.

When I hear “family business,” I usually first think parent-child, or siblings, or multiple generations that are all tied by blood. What struck me about HatchedIt is that the founders are sisters-in-law. So nosy me had a few questions for these women after they presented at our Jan. 27 Meetup event.

The first question was whose brother is whose husband (Bischoff’s brother is Brown’s husband). But then the big question: what does he think about all this?

Turns out he (I really should have asked for his name) is the one who told his sister and wife to go for it and launch the business. Bischoff said that Brown and her brother had been married for seven years and dated a couple years before that, so the two women already had a solid relationship before they became business partners. The sisters-in-law had an easy and obvious rapport with each other while presenting in front of the crowd of about 150 people.

Family business, in this case, means blood, and a marriage license.

To see photos from the event, click here.