female hand holding globe


The Feliciano Center is leading an endeavor to create 3DforChange, which will operate as a web-based platform that will connect organizations around the world with funders for 3D print/design project initiatives, through a crowdfunding-type platform structure.

3DforChange will link donors (individuals, corporations and foundations), nonprofits and 3D print/design resources to enable economic empowerment anywhere in the world.

We’ve invited students from challenged communities in Newark and Paterson to spend a day in the MIX Lab and have watched them beam with pride as they created originally designed, useful products. We have seen firsthand the power of innovating and making with 3D print/design tools, and want to expand that offering to needy people around the world. Examples include connecting funders to fund a 3D print/design program in a village in Guatemala, or to connect funders to fund a 3D print/design program for a school in rural America. By creating 3DforChange, we’re certain that the magic that takes place in our MIX Lab can take place anywhere in the world that is on the grid.