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Hear Secrets of Success on Jan. 27

Posted in: Events

We are getting a great response to our first event of 2014, to be held at 6 p.m. on Monday Jan. 27. The theme is “Startup Stories” and we will be featuring the founders of three startups telling us about how they got their ventures started. Based on demand from past attendees, we have asked the four speakers (one company will have its two co-founders present) to speak specifically about challenges and failures they faced on the way to getting their company off the ground. Because learning from failure is the M.O. for most entrepreneurs, and our savvy event attendees know that.

Don’t miss Monday’s event.  The event is free but pre-registration is required here (we need to know how much pizza to order for the event attendees!).

We will be releasing dates and info for our other 2014 events soon. Stay tuned–we have a great lineup planned for this year.