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Start Me Up

Posted in: Events

Apologies to the Rolling Stones on that headline, but I couldn’t resist…the chance to tell you about efforts to bring a startup weekend to northern New Jersey.

Carlos Abad, organizer of the Madison Tech Meetup, is leading the charge to bring Lean Startup Machine to Morristown. The event’s website emphasizes that it is not a hackathon (although Abad wants to do a couple of those in 2014), but instead “an intensive three-day workshop which teaches entrepreneurs and innovators how to build disruptive products.” They need 150 people to vote for the event on the site. As of now, they have received 112 votes, so they are almost there. Abad said in an email about the potential event: These “are the type of events that get developers’ and investors’ interest. They know that a significant number of entrepreneurs need to be present in order to support these activities. Our goal is to have 2 hackathons and 2 lean startup weekends in 2014. This should help with raising our entrepreneurial IQ (including mine) and creating hype around our community.”

Check it out, and vote if you feel so inclined.