- 1. Who is my adviser?
- Log into Nest and go to Degree Works. Your adviser is listed. If it is blank, contact the Coordinator of English Department Advising and an adviser will be assigned. Be sure to consult with your faculty adviser from the English Department and not only the CHSS advising staff.
- 2. Who is my adviser for teacher education?
- All advisers can advise for how English majors meet the requirements of a BA with a certificate in Teacher Education. However, for advising specific to Teacher Education courses, please see advisers in the Center of Pedagogy. After students attend an orientation, they are eligible to make appointments with a Teacher Education Advisor.
- 3. How often should I meet with my adviser?
- At least twice per academic year before registering for the next semester.
- 4. How many credits do I need to graduate?
- The minimum for a BA degree is 120 credits (Montclair State University courses and approved transfer courses) total including 36 credits required for students declaring the English major.
- 5. What are the prerequisites for English major courses?
- WRIT 105 and ENGL 110/111/114 or an equivalent are required prerequisites for all English major courses with the following exceptions:
A. ENFL 208 “Introduction to Film” may be taken at any time.
B. ENGL 116 and 117: World Literature may be taken at any time.
C. ENGL 110, 111, 113 and 114 and HONP 102 are equivalents for WRIT 106 and have only WRIT 105 as a prerequisite.
D. 200-level Creative Writing courses may be taken at any time.
E. 300-level courses require one 200-level ENGL/ENFL/ENLT/ENWR course as a pre-requisite. Contact your adviser if you have taken the equivalent of a 200-level course at another institution and need to get into a 300-level class. - 6. Can I apply courses in English department minor programs to the major?
- Yes. An unlimited number of credits from Film Studies or Creative Writing minors can be applied toward the major. However, you may want to consider a Concentration instead.
- 7. How do I get into the Teacher education program?
- Students must apply to the program. See Teacher Education links on the English Department homepage and the Center of Pedagogy homepage.
- 8. How do I add or drop a minor or major program?
- There is a form available at all department offices and online. Fill out the form and get appropriate signatures.
- 9. Who makes credit adjustments for general education classes?
- First determine which department offers the general education class for which you are seeking credit. Then visit that department, where an adviser can review the course and grant general education credit if appropriate.
- 10. Can my English adviser make credit adjustments for general education or other requirements?
- No. Your English adviser may only make credit adjustments for English major classes taken at Montclair State University or accepted as transfer credit.
- 11. May I receive English department credit for courses taken in other Montclair State University departments?
- No, unless the course is cross-listed in both departments.
- 12. What if my transcript on Degree Works is incorrect?
- Send corrections to degreeaudit@montclair.edu.
- 13. Which English major transfer courses require a credit adjustment form and who fills it out?
- Courses listed at the end of Degree Works (Audit) as Free Electives require a credit adjustment to move them under the English major. The credit adjustment form has been distributed to faculty advisers who submit it to the department secretary with a copy to the student.
- 14. What documentation is required to determine how transfer classes should apply to the major?
- The minimum documentation is the course catalog description from the transfer college or university. The specific course syllabus is the best documentation. If you have both, then present them to your adviser who will determine how the course should be applied within the major.
- 15. Who decides how transfer courses are applied to the English major?
- Your adviser is authorized to make those decisions. Should you disagree you may appeal to the chair of the English Department.
- 16. Who determines how a transfer course gets applied to the English major?
- For courses that have been identified as requiring department approval, your faculty adviser will determine if the course may be applied to the major and which requirements it satisfies.
- 17. I am interested in the Honors Option to earn “English Honors” on my Montclair State University transcript. How should I begin? And how should I resume?
- Details can be found on the Honors Option link to the left, under Undergraduate Programs of Study. Please read the information provided before contacting the Advising Coordinator.