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Prof. Laura Nicosia Announces Her Newest Book

Through a Distorted Lens: Media as Curricula and Pedagogy in the 21st Century

Posted in: English Department

Feature image for Prof. Laura Nicosia Announces Her Newest Book

Prof. Laura Nicosia’s newest book, Through a Distorted Lens: Media as Curricula and Pedagogy in the 21st Century, is now available through Sense Publishers. Co-edited with MSU colleague, Prof. Rebecca Goldstein, the book examines what and how the media teach and for what purpose. In this time of "alternate facts," scholarly books that critique social media platforms, traditional media, journalism, and (in)formal schooling are of the utmost importance. The host of international scholars who contributed to this volume extend their lenses back to formal school settings to explore how we read and teach today’s texts. Prof. Nicosia’s chapter explores racial readings and misreadings of the film adaptation of Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games.