- Name
- Objectives
- Membership
- Meetings
- Dues and Assessments
- Officers Election
- Duties of Officers
- Executive Committee
- Committees
- Newsletter
- Nominating Procedure
- Parliamentary Authority
- Amendments
This non-profit organization shall be known as the Montclair State University Emeriti Association, hereafter referred to as the Association. The Emeriti Association is under the aegis of the Office of the Provost.
The Association is dedicated to the continuing involvement and participation of Emeriti at Montclair State University for the mutual benefit of both the University and the members of the Association. More specifically, the objectives of the Association are to:
- Provide opportunities for Association members to maintain professional contact with colleagues locally, nationally and internationally across disciplines
- Facilitate Emeriti contributions to education, scholarship and professional/community service.
- Publicize scholarly, educational, professional, community service activities and the continuing accomplishments of Emeriti and thus enhance the reputation of the University.
- Sponsor educational programs, lectures, workshops and symposia on intellectual, social, and cultural issues of interest to Emeriti and the University community.
- Serve as mentors for current faculty and students.
- Continue involvement and participation at Montclair State University for the mutual benefit of the University and Association members.
Faculty and Administration retirees who have been granted Emerita/Emeritus status by the Board of Trustees are considered to be members of the Association.
The Association will extend dues-free first-year membership to all newly appointed emeriti.
Spouses, partners, as well as surviving spouses and partners of Association members are considered to be Associate members of the Emeriti Association.
There shall be regular meetings of the Association in the fall and spring semesters of each academic year; the officers and the committee chairs will present their reports and all necessary matters will be handled. At the spring meeting, the Association will conduct elections.
The Association shall meet at other times designated by the Executive Committee. Association Committees shall meet as required to conduct the business of the Association. Appropriate notice will be given for all meetings.
Article V: Dues and Assessments
The fiscal year of the Association shall be September 1 through the following August 31. The annual dues of Association members shall be determined by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall be elected for a two-year term and shall be eligible for re-election for a second two-year term.
The officers of the Association and two Members-at-large shall be elected by secret ballot during a spring meeting. The ballots of those members not attending the annual meeting must be received by the Membership/Nominations/Elections Committee seven days prior to the meeting.
Article VII: Duties of Officers
The President shall preside at meetings of the Association, shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Association, shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee, and shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees of the Association. The President or a delegate shall serve as liaison to the Provost’s Office.
The Vice President shall serve as an assistant to the President in matters of the Association and shall assume all the stated duties of the President in his/her absence.
The Secretary shall send notices to members, present reports and communications as the need arises, and keep minutes of all meetings of the Association and its Executive Committee.
The Treasurer working with the Montclair State University Foundation shall be responsible for the collection of dues, contributions, assessments and for the disbursement of Association funds. The Montclair State University Foundation shall be the custodian of all Association funds. The Treasurer shall present a complete statement of the financial standing of the Association at each business meeting.
Article VIII: Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, two members-at-large, and the chairs of the standing committees. Past Presidents may serve as non-voting ex-officio members. Members-at-large, like the officers, shall be elected for two-year terms. All vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, and the appointees shall serve until the next annual business meeting of the Association.
To the greatest possible extent, the Executive Committee should have representation from each of the schools or colleges of the University.
Chairs and members of the Association Standing Committees shall serve for a term of two years.
At the beginning of the spring semester of an election year, prior to the first spring Executive Committee Meeting, and before the conclusion of their term, the outgoing Membership/Nominations/Elections Committee shall identify individuals who agree to run for member-at-large. At the beginning of each term, the President with the advice of the new Executive Committee shall appoint one member-at-large as Chair of the Membership/Nominations/Elections Committee and one member-at-large as Chair of the University and Public Relations Committee. The new Membership/Nominations/Elections Committee shall identify individuals who agree to chair or serve on the standing committees of the Association. The University and Public Relations Committee shall act to publicize the Emeriti Association and foster positive professional, university and community relations.
The President, with the advice of the Executive Committee, shall then appoint committee chairs and members and shall report to the Association on the composition of the incoming standing committees. The standing committees are:
- Membership/Nominations/Elections Committee
- Programs/Speakers Committee
- University and Public Relations Committee
- Publications Committee
- Parliamentary/History Committee
The chair of the Publications Committee is the Editor. The Chair of the Parliamentary/History Committee is the Association Historian. The President shall also appoint webmasters and photographers.
Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the President as needed.
Article X: Association Publications
The official publication of the Association shall be known as The Montclair State University Emeriti Times. The Emeriti Times is a worldwide web publication. There will be two issues: one in the fall and one in the spring. Other issues of The Montclair State University Emeriti Times may be published as directed by the President and Executive Committee.
News announcements as needed will be published in the News and Events section of the Association website.
The Chair of the Publications Committee is the Editor of the Association publications. Cf. Article IX.
Article XI: Nominating Procedure
The Membership/Nominations/Elections Committee shall be responsible for sending nominations for committee Chairs and members to the President and other members of the Executive Committee for consideration and appointment by the President. See Article IX Paragraph two.
During the fall of the second year of the officers’ terms, the News and Events section of the Association website will contain an invitation for members to recommend candidates for elective office to the Chair of the Membership/Nominations/Elections Committee. The Chair will then send the slate of nominees to the President and other members of the Executive Committee.
In early spring the slate of nominees of the Membership/Nominations/Elections Committee shall be published in the News and Events section of the Association website.
Article XII: Parliamentary Authority
Roberts Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for the Association.
Proposed amendments to these bylaws may originate either from a majority vote of the Executive Committee or from a petition to the Recording/Corresponding Secretary signed by at least ten percent of the membership.
The text of proposed amendments to be voted upon at the spring business meeting shall be published in early spring in the News and Events section of the Association website.
To be adopted, proposed amendments must receive a two-thirds majority vote of the respondents.