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Feature image for PhD student publishes in Paleoceanography

PhD student publishes in Paleoceanography

Threshold behavior of a marine-based sector of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in response to early Pliocene ocean warming

Feature image for On a Rescue Mission - Biology students partner with NJDEP to save turtles

On a Rescue Mission – Biology students partner with NJDEP to save turtles

The Jersey Tomato Press

Dr. Hong, Dean of the two-year undergraduate program at HCMUNRE; Dr. Tuan, Rector (President) of HCMUNRE; Dr. Robert Taylor, Coordinator, Sustainability Science,  Dr. Ha, Dean, Dept. of Environment HCMUNRE, Dr. Nga, International Programs HCMUNRE, and Mr. Phuc, International Programs and Research Associate for Sustainability Science Research Project.

CSAM’s Sustainability Science Programs Forge Ahead in Vietnam

Dr. Robert W. Taylor, Program Coordinator in the Dept. of Earth and Environmental Studies, is moving ahead on programs to offer sustainability science education for students from Vietnam.

Feature image for Biology Professor Featured on The Weather Channel

Biology Professor Featured on The Weather Channel

Professor Jack Gaynor discusses the strangeness and potential danger presented by the box jellyfish sighted at the Jersey Shore.

Feature image for Fund for the Public Interest

Fund for the Public Interest

National non-profit organization seeking students for paid positions campaigning and doing outreach to aid in closing loopholes in the Clean Water Act

Into the Woods

University’s field station in Stokes State Forest serves as international education model, by Laura Griffin

The EAES Geography contingent at the 2014 Association of American Geographers Middle States Division conference, including Geography Bowl Championship Team members and their proud supporters. From left to right: Ryan Santo, Jason Darley (team member), Jeff Baker (team member), Dr. Gregory Pope (Geography program advisor), Mike Calvelli (team member and tournament high scorer), Lewis Windle (team member), Rachel Maynard (team member and presenter at the conference), Alex Caputi (team member), Claire Rolling, Dr. Pankaj Lal (Geography program advisor)

EAES Geography Students win Middle States AAG Geography Bowl

For the first time in 18 years of attendance at the Middle States Division/Association of America Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Montclair State University students captured the championship at the Geography Bowl.

New EAES Research Grants

Congratulations to EAES faculty on the following new grants

EAES404 at the Beartooth Pass

EAES Launches Inaugural Geology Field Camp

EAES404: Field Geology is a 6 credit capstone experience for BS in Geoscience majors.

Dr. Robert Taylor, Professor of Earth and Environmental Studies

Dr. Robert Taylor Appointed to Passaic County Committee

The Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders has appointed Dr. Robert Taylor to the Passaic County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Committee (CEDSC).

Feature image for PSM in Applied Sustainability Exhibits at Joint University Fair in Vietnam

PSM in Applied Sustainability Exhibits at Joint University Fair in Vietnam

Montclair State University professor Dr. Robert Taylor and colleagues from De LaSalle University, Manila, Philippines, inside an urban rooftop hydroponics project. Urban rooftop agriculture is being explored in Manila and other cities as a means of reducing food transportation distances and costs and hence a city’s carbon footprint. Greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs are also reduced by using solar panels to power water pumps and aerators.

New degree programs launched in Sustainability Science