rock samples on table


Category: Department Research

Dr. Galster conducting field research

Dams disproportionately removed from areas with more non-Hispanic white residents

Dr. Josh Galster spoke with the Geological Society of America regarding dam removal in the US

assistant professor Ying Cui in her lab

New Research Uncovers Cause of Earth’s Largest Mass Extinction

Findings show rapidly rising carbon dioxide levels were behind the end-Permian event

JOIDES Resolution docked

Doctoral student invited as shipboard scientist to investigate climate change

Jesse Kolodin '21 preparing a drone for launch

Environmental Scientist Wins Fellowship at Eagleton Institute of Politics

Research studies connections between beach protection and Jersey Shore economy

Taylor Wieczerak presenting research

PhD Student Takes Second Place in Paper Competition at MSAAG Annual Meeting

Graduate Research Assistant Opportunity

Work on research with Dr. Jorge Lorenzo Trueba

Fence at Down Bottom Farms

The Urban Heat Island Effect

Dr. Greg Pope, Department Chair, has work on the urban heat island effect referenced in piece regarding increasing temperatures in NJ cities

Nicole Provost by solar panels

PhD Student Named 2020 John J. Lagrosa Award Recipient by NJWEA

The award is designed to support and encourage highly capable individuals to continue studies in Environmental Science or Engineering with a strong component in one or more areas of Water Quality Control and Environmental Protection

Graduate alum conducting sediment disposition study on the Savannah River

April Kelly MS Earth & Environmental Science ’17, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Geologist, is part of a team conducting this study which should be completed in January 2020.

Students win top prizes at AAG regional meeting

The Middle States American Association of Geographers held their regional meeting, where multiple student posters were recognized.

Large tabular iceberg, Antarctica

Traveling through Iceberg Alley

Associate Dean Dr. Stefanie Brachfeld is conducting research in the Antarctic on the Joides Resolution.

Norman architecture in Sicily

Professor Receives NEH Support for Ongoing Norman Sicily Project

Digital database documents historical Sicilian monuments