rock samples on table


Category: Faculty

Feature image for Professor Receives Prestigious Presidential Award

NJ Transit electric bus pilot in Camden delayed as other agencies see battery tech snags

Dr. Pankaj Lal speaks with Colleen Wilson from regarding the significance of this electrification program for NJ Transit’s position compared to other agencies with decarbonization

Extreme weather events in New Jersey – why?

A recent episode of The Montclair News Lab featured department faculty to answer that question

Dr. Galster conducting field research

Dams disproportionately removed from areas with more non-Hispanic white residents

Dr. Josh Galster spoke with the Geological Society of America regarding dam removal in the US

assistant professor Ying Cui in her lab

New Research Uncovers Cause of Earth’s Largest Mass Extinction

Findings show rapidly rising carbon dioxide levels were behind the end-Permian event

Dr. Greg Pope CBS interview

West Coast Wildfires Causing Smoke and Air Quality Concerns on the East Coast

Dr. Greg Pope, Chairperson and Professor, Earth and Environmental Studies, spoke with various news outlets on the topic

Dr. Deng in CELS lab

Yang Deng Named University Distinguished Scholar

Professor will receive one-semester leave to pursue research in sustainable water solutions

Dr. Yang Deng in his lab

Dr. Yang Deng named University Distinguished Scholar

Pmag Cubes

Professor presents at Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory’s Earth 2 Class (E2C) workshop

Dr. Stefanie Brachfeld’s presentation, brought the Antarctic Southern Ocean to New York on December 14, 2019.

Large tabular iceberg, Antarctica

Traveling through Iceberg Alley

Associate Dean Dr. Stefanie Brachfeld is conducting research in the Antarctic on the Joides Resolution.

Cover of Environmental Engineer & Scientist magazine

Professor receives 2019 AAEES Superior Achievement Award

Dr. Yang Deng received the award for his project studying emergency water treatment with ferrate(VI) in response to natural disasters.

Joides Resolution docked

Next Stop Antarctica

Professor embarks on historic scientific expedition to Antarctica’s Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet

Dr. Yang Deng and students in lab

Professor Receives CAPEES/Nanova Frontier Research Award

Dr. Yang Deng, Earth and Environmental Studies, received the honor from the Association of Chinese-American Professors in Environmental Engineering and Science (CAPEES).