PhD Student Named 2020 John J. Lagrosa Award Recipient by NJWEA
The award is designed to support and encourage highly capable individuals to continue studies in Environmental Science or Engineering with a strong component in one or more areas of Water Quality Control and Environmental Protection
Posted in: Awards and Recognition, Department Research, Students

Nicole Provost, a first year PhD student in the Environmental Science and Management program, has been selected as a 2020 co-recipient of the prestigious John J. Lagrosa Award by the New Jersey Water Environment Research (NJWEA). The award includes a NJWEA certificate and a check for $1,500. Nicole was selected based on her outstanding academic performance, merit, scholastic ability, and interest in environmental research dealing with water quality analyses, micro-hydropower feasibility assessments, and her ongoing work dealing with energy, water, and society. In her doctoral research, Nicole is working with Professor Pankaj Lal and Clean Energy and Sustainability Analytics Center researchers to explore complex issues of energy security, water quality, system resilience and associated tradeoffs.