person handling mouse in the vivarium

Visitor Guidelines


Visitors are persons, without current vivarium access, who are invited to the vivarium by researchers to observe and/or participate in research activities.  Visitors may be affiliated or non-affiliated with Montclair State University.  These guidelines must be followed to minimize or eliminate risks to personnel and visitors, and disruptions to research activity.


  1. LAR: Laboratory Animal Resources
  2. IACUC: Institution Animal Care and Use Committee
  3. PI: Principal Investigator
  4. Visitor: Any person that does not have an IACUC or facility staff –approved access to the vivarium who will be observing or participating in research activity.
  5. PPE: Personal Protective Equipment


The research staff, visitors and LAR staff are responsible for abiding and adhering to the process and the requirements stated in these guidelines.


This policy applies to all visitors of Montclair Vivarium.


  1. Montclair researchers interested in hosting visitors in the vivarium must have the visitor fill out the Visitor Questionnaire 1 week prior to the planned visit.
  2. The vivarium director or LAR staff should respond to the host researcher regarding the Visitor Questionnaire submission within 48 hours.
  3. Visitors must adhere to Montclair and departmental policies and guidelines.
  4. Visitors must follow vivarium procedures such as donning proper PPE and remain with the host researcher or designee at all times.
  5. Al visitors must sign the visitor log located in the vivarium tech office.
  6. All visitors that are actively working in or visiting another vivarium must allow a minimum of 24 hours before entering the Montclair Vivarium.