front of CELS building

News and Announcements

Category: Mathematics

study abroad student on an overlook above a coastal town

CSAM Students Taking Flight

These students are part of a group of Montclair State students and alumni named Fulbright semi-finalists and students earning national scholarships to study abroad

Teaching and Learning of Fluid Mechanics Edited by Ashwin Vaidya

Dr. Ashwin Vaidya publishes new book

A new book titled “Teaching and Learning of Fluid Mechanics” was recently published by MDPI and was edited by Dr. Ashwin Vaidya, Chairperson and Associate Professor of the Mathematics Department.

Dr. Galster teaching a class

New and Updated Programs for Fall 2020

CSAM will be adding, updating, and partnering with various programs this Fall

Hassan Kashif and Zaki Tahir with their Dr. Floss prototype

Biology and Math Students Take First Place in Feliciano Pitch Contest

Junior biology major Hassan Kashif and freshman mathematics major Zaki Tahir created Dr. Floss, a one-time-use, eco-friendly device that enables buyers to floss all of their teeth simultaneously.

graph and data visualization samples

PhD Graduate Assistantship in Environmental Science and Management

Dr. Amir Golnabi in research lab

Dr. Amir Golnabi, has research featured in prestigious IEEE journal

The research is published in the September issue of Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME).

students observing data on computer

Montclair State Recipient of NSF Discovery Research PreK-12 Grant

Project to focus on innovative Math for America video library

STEM teachers going to teach in Passaic

City of Passaic Recruits Three Graduating Seniors to Teach in their District

Steven Herrera, Valeria Montoya, and Lauren Shahine have a lot in common: the three are graduating this spring as STEM teachers, and they are all off to teach in the City of Passaic.

Math History Makers

Math History Maker Faire

The Spring 2019 History of Mathematics (MATH490) class experimented with a new approach to assessment culminating in the presentation of its project-based findings on May 13.

Feature image for Montclair State Faculty Member Marc Favata Earns Prestigious Simons Fellowship

Montclair State Faculty Member Marc Favata Earns Prestigious Simons Fellowship

Award will give physics professor chance to collaborate with scholars around the world

Rendering of neutron stars orbiting and colliding

Groundbreaking Discovery by LIGO/Virgo Solves Cosmic Mystery

Faculty contribute to detection of neutron stars’ collision

Associate Professor Marc Favata and Assistant Professor Rodica Martin

Physics Faculty, Members of LIGO Team, Comment on 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics

Professors Rodica Martin and Marc Favata describe impact of ground-breaking work