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News and Announcements

Category: Earth & Environmental Studies

Feature image for CSAM Faculty Validate EPA's Hackensack River Contamination

CSAM Faculty Validate EPA’s Hackensack River Contamination

Dr. Michael Kruge, EAES and Dr. Kevin Olsen, Chemistry, studied sediment samples collected by the EPA from the Hackensack River that indicate the riverbed is laced for 22 miles with a toxic cocktail made up of dozens of contaminants, from its mouth in Newark Bay up to the Oradell Reservoir. Wochit

Feature image for Professor Receives Prestigious Presidential Award

Professor Receives Prestigious Presidential Award

Award is nation’s top honor for scientists and engineers in early stages of their research careers

Arianna, Norhan, and Doriann finding the diameter of a tree

Trees of Montclair

Faculty and students piloted a project seeking to map the tress along the streets of Montclair.

Feature image for Spend Winter Break in Vietnam

Spend Winter Break in Vietnam

Montclair State University’s Earth and Environmental Studies Department offers this study abroad program for students in any major, giving them the opportunity to examine the current issues, challenges and conditions of an urban environment in Southeast Asia.

Feature image for Montclair State Hosts Earth Day Press Conference with  U.S. Senators Booker and Menendez

Montclair State Hosts Earth Day Press Conference with U.S. Senators Booker and Menendez

Senators announce legislative effort to prohibit seismic offshore fossil fuel exploration in N.J.

Feature image for Montclair launches Green Businesses Recognition Program

Montclair launches Green Businesses Recognition Program describes Montclair’s efforts to provide Green Certification to Montclair businesses with the help of the PSEG Institute.

Feature image for Professor Receives Prestigious NSF CAREER Award

Professor Receives Prestigious NSF CAREER Award

Five-year grant funds innovative research and education project

Feature image for Green Team Opportunities

Green Team Opportunities

Undergraduate Internships and Graduate Assistant positions available working with local businesses on sustainability projects.

Feature image for Montclair State featured in the Princeton Review's Green Colleges

Montclair State featured in the Princeton Review’s Green Colleges

The Princeton Review recently released its guide of the 353 Green Colleges, our stats are broken down on page 112.

Feature image for PhD student publishes in Paleoceanography

PhD student publishes in Paleoceanography

Threshold behavior of a marine-based sector of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in response to early Pliocene ocean warming, led by Melissa Hansen along with Earth and Environmental studies professor Dr. Sandra Passchier

Feature image for On a Rescue Mission - Biology students partner with NJDEP to save turtles

On a Rescue Mission – Biology students partner with NJDEP to save turtles

The Jersey Tomato Press

Dr. Hong, Dean of the two-year undergraduate program at HCMUNRE; Dr. Tuan, Rector (President) of HCMUNRE; Dr. Robert Taylor, Coordinator, Sustainability Science,  Dr. Ha, Dean, Dept. of Environment HCMUNRE, Dr. Nga, International Programs HCMUNRE, and Mr. Phuc, International Programs and Research Associate for Sustainability Science Research Project.

CSAM’s Sustainability Science Programs Forge Ahead in Vietnam

Dr. Robert W. Taylor, Program Coordinator in the Dept. of Earth and Environmental Studies, is moving ahead on programs to offer sustainability science education for students from Vietnam.