front of CELS building

News and Announcements

Category: Earth & Environmental Studies

flying drone at the beach

Join the PhD program and research developed coastline dynamics

Dr. Jorge Lorenzo-Trueba is seeking a student to join the Environmental Science and Management PhD program and join his research group

Dr. Galster conducting field research

Dams disproportionately removed from areas with more non-Hispanic white residents

Dr. Josh Galster spoke with the Geological Society of America regarding dam removal in the US

assistant professor Ying Cui in her lab

New Research Uncovers Cause of Earth’s Largest Mass Extinction

Findings show rapidly rising carbon dioxide levels were behind the end-Permian event

JOIDES Resolution docked

Doctoral student invited as shipboard scientist to investigate climate change

Geology students consult map on hillside

When the Wild West is the College Lab

Earth and Environmental Science majors study in the natural geologic laboratory of the Rockies

Dr. Greg Pope CBS interview

West Coast Wildfires Causing Smoke and Air Quality Concerns on the East Coast

Dr. Greg Pope, Chairperson and Professor, Earth and Environmental Studies, spoke with various news outlets on the topic

Jesse Kolodin '21 preparing a drone for launch

Environmental Scientist Wins Fellowship at Eagleton Institute of Politics

Research studies connections between beach protection and Jersey Shore economy

CSAM graduates at their commencement ceremony with Rocky

CSAM Caps off Week of Commencements

The College held the final commencement exercises for Montclair State University’s Class of 2021!

Arye Janoff is shown here on a groin field – the type of rock structure prevalent along the New Jersey coast

Making Waves

Montclair State doctoral graduate recognized for research on beach nourishment modeling

Dr. Deng in CELS lab

Yang Deng Named University Distinguished Scholar

Professor will receive one-semester leave to pursue research in sustainable water solutions

world's fair EAES department table

EAES Participates in World’s Fair Day

The Earth and Environmental Studies department hosted a table at the event providing information about volcanoes of the world!

Casabona Future Scientists Competition Zoom room

Mario M. Casabona Future Scientists Competition Recap

The event, held virtually for the first time, showcased the depth of knowledge and preparedness of our students