student working on chemistry problem

CSAM Math Sequences

We strongly recommend that all CSAM students take one math course per semester from the first semester until their math requirements are completed; especially keep moving toward Calculus.

Math courses build on high school math and on each other, and why have a gap to forget?

Sequences not intended to be complete nor comprehensive

  1. Math Placement Test (contact to see if you’re eligible to take the test)
    • or exempt
    1. MATH 109 Statistics
      • GEOG
  2. MATH 100 Intermediate Algebra
    • or exempt
    1. MATH 110 Bio Stat
      • Most BIOL
  3. MATH 111 Applied Precalculus
    • Most EAES
      or exempt
    1. STAT 401
      • New CPSC
  4. MATH 116 Calc A
    • Most BIOL
      Most EAES
  5. MATH 122 Calc I
    1. MATH 221 Calc II
      • CPSC
        Some BIOL
        Some EAES

Where to go from here