Winning Teams
Green Teams receive $2.6M in NSF grants to improve STEM literacy and success in STEM career paths for non-STEM majors and Hispanic students
Posted in: Awards & Recognition, PSEG ISS

Montclair State University administrative and educational leaders have secured $2.6 million in National Science Foundation (NSF) grants for innovative internship programs designed to connect students and their families to careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – or STEM.
With this new funding we will advance efforts to address underrepresentation of diverse groups in STEM, a challenge that may be exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This program will help to ensure future employment is diverse and inclusive – a crucial step forward in our ability to solve problems together as a society.
The key to the projects is the PSEG Institute for Sustainability Studies (PSEG ISS) Green Teams program. For the past four summers, the Green Teams have provided a training ground and diversity pipeline for long-term professional development in STEM education by bringing together talented, transdisciplinary teams to design and deliver innovative sustainability solutions for a range of public and private organizations. The Green Teams strive to elevate awareness of sustainability opportunities and potential at the local, national and global levels.
Read the full article in the University News Center.