Passaic River Institute Fellowship Program
The 2015-2016 Passaic River Institute Fellowship Program will provide one year of funding for a CSAM faculty member
Posted in: Passaic River Institute

With the generous support from the College of Science and Mathematics, Passaic River Institute is soliciting applications for the 2015-2016 Passaic River Institute Fellowship Program to provide a CSAM faculty member with a one-year opportunity that offers 3 TCH release-time per semester to engage in new or seriously extended research focusing on all aspects of water science, sustainability and environmental management, such as biodiversity, building resiliency, flood risk reduction, cyber innovation, pollution reduction, wildlife conservation, ecosystem restoration, hydrodynamics, social and economic analysis, environmental policy, environmental justice, water resource management, and environmental education.
Any full-time CSAM faculty with a research interest in water science, sustainability and environmental management is eligible to apply. The fellow will be required to attend research meetings to exchange research ideas during the academic year. Additionally, the fellow is expected to present a seminar and submit at least one grant proposal for external funding to a major, competitive agency (e.g. NSF, EPA, NOAA, etc.). All applications must include the following items:
- Curriculum vitae.
- Statement of the applicant’s research interests with emphasis on what the applicant expects from and can contribute to the Institute’s mission on promoting environmental research. Specifically, the statement must include research plans relevant to the PRI mission. This Fellowship is not designed to offer release-time to faculty who have a specific research program already underway on the topic of the proposal or who are currently funded by external grants or contracts for the proposed work. In your c.v., you must have a clearly defined list of current and pending funding, noting distinct dates of start and finish.
- Applicants are responsible to ensure that Departmental Chairs are aware of the submission of the Fellowship proposal so that the Chair can plan, as needed, potential replacement for course impacted by the release time.
Requirements of PRI Fellows
All PRI Fellows are required, in the year of their release-time, to:
- Attend research discussions on relevant issues of research and opportunities to promote the missions of the PRI.
- Submit, before June of the Fellowship year, at least one new, major proposal to an appropriate funding agency and on an issue relevant to the research topic reflected in the Fellowship. This proposal must be submitted through the Passaic River Institute.
- Each Fellow, in their initial year, must present a research seminar, open to the University, on the topic of the fellowship year.
- Any publications that result from the Fellowship must acknowledge the Fellowship and the Passaic River Institute.
- Any external presentations must similarly acknowledge the Fellowship and the PRI.
How to Apply
Please submit your application to by February 27, 2015. All applications should be in 12pt. Roman font, single-spaced and be no more than four pages in total length. All CVs must be current.
Proposals will be evaluated by the PRI Steering Committee, which will also have the opportunity to seek external reviews based on specifics of the proposal. Fellows will be selected by the PRI Steering Committee with final decisions made by March 20, 2015.