Mary Boyle Presents Keynote Address and Workshop at Cognitive Neuroscience and Rehabilitation of Communication Disorders Conference
Posted in: Communication Sciences Disorders

Mary Boyle, professor in the department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, delivered the invited keynote address, Clinician-Friendly Discourse Outcome Measures for Aphasia, and an invited workshop, Evidence-Based Practice for Adult Language Disorders, at the 14th Annual Eleanor M. Saffran Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience and Rehabilitation of Communication Disorders, on September 21, 2019 in Philadelphia, PA. Co-presenters of the workshop were Dr. Gayle DeDe of Temple University and Dr. Elizabeth Hoover of Boston University.
Dr. Boyle was also a co-author with her doctoral student, Christa Akers, MA, CCC-SLP and Dr. Roberta J. Elman on the Saffran-Scholar-award-winning poster, Evaluating the Reliability and Sensitivity to Change of Complete Utterances in Structured Discourse. The Saffran Conference is funded by a grant from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders and from an endowment established by Drs. Jenny Saffran and Seth Pollack.